Advion Cockroach Gel Bait

Complete cockroach control, without the callbacks

Highly palatable gel bait that provides cockroach control like no other.

The Benefits

Fast control of the entire colony

  • Spend a bit to save a lot – ADVION quickly and thoroughly spreads throughout the entire cockroach population for complete control, meaning less call backs
  • Highly attractive and palatable to a wide variety of cockroaches, including German, American, Brownbanded, Australian and Oriental
  • Great for harborages, crack and crevice application

Product of choice for sensitive areas

  • HACCP certified, making it suitable for food handling places
  • Ideal for schools, hospitals and other settings

Convenient and easy to use

  • Gel is easy to apply and stays where it is placed
  • Can be easily partnered with ARILON Insecticide for even more effective control

The Science 

How does ADVION eradicate the entire cockroach colony? 

ADVION is powered by indoxacarb: an active ingredient with a unique mode of action that spreads rapidly to other cockroaches. Once a cockroach is exposed, it unleashes a three-step chain reaction.

ADVION is spread through the population through normal cockroach behaviours (e.g. ingestion of faeces and secretions), resulting in the quick elimination of cockroach infestations.

Tips for Use 

  • Partner ADVION Cockroach Gel with ARILON Insecticide in situations where superior cockroach control is needed, such as in commercial kitchens, warehouses and areas with persistent infestations
  • Applying ADVION over the top of ARILON not only improves uptake of the active ingredient; it also speeds up control and delivers a broader, longer-lasting treatment zone compared to using ADVION alone
  • This pairing can also deliver results in jobs that have previously been resistant to other treatments

Note: Never apply synthetic pyrethroid products with ADVION gels, as this will slow both the consumption of bait and control of the population.

The Features

Fast, thorough control of a wide spectrum of cockroaches

Highly attractant gel formulation

Product of choice in sensitive situations such as schools, food handling establishments and hospitals

Consistent quality formulation

Easy application and can be applied to vertical surfaces

Indoor or outdoor use

Pest Talk: Technical Tips - Controlling German Cockroaches with Gels
Pest Talk: Technical Tips 2